Crossed Swords; A BaroAsoRyu Zine

About The Zine
Crossed Swords is a fanzine project that will feature art, writing and merch from various creators, chosen through an application review process, focusing on the characters Barok van Zieks, Kazuma Asogi, and Ryunosuke Naruhodo from The Great Ace Attorney in a romantic/shipping light. Some entries will contain all three characters, some will contain only two of the characters (ie BaroAso, AsoRyu, or BaroRyu). The zine will be printed physically and sold as a preorder for both physical copies and digital copies. It will also include physical and digital merch for additional pricing. The zine is currently in the work time stage.
This zine is an unofficial fan project and is not affiliated with Capcom.
Q: Who will be allowed to participate in this zine?
A: Anyone 15+ who wishes to apply may do so! We only ask that anyone participating will be respectful to other contributors and mods. If someone is causing problems in the contributor discord for any reason, they may be removed from the project.Q: Will NSFW (sexual content) be allowed in this zine?
No. All content in the zine will be SFW, and PG-16 at the most. This is to ensure all contributors and buyers will be comfortable with the content.Q: Will this zine be for charity or profit?
A: This zine will be for charity! The exact charity we will be donating to has yet to be decided, more information on this as it becomes available.Q: I want to make content for only AsoRyu, but not the other ships (for example). Can I still be part of this zine?
A: Absolutely! This zine contains content for all ship combinations of the three characters (BaroAso, BaroRyu, and AsoRyu), as well as the triad ship BaroAsoRyu. Anyone who wants to make content of any of the ship combinations is allowed to apply, provided they will be respectful of other contributors. We do want to aim for all entries to contain at least two of the characters, as this is a shipping focused zine.Q: How long will the zine be? What type of merch will be offered in the zine?
A: We currently have planned around 50-70 pages, and merch such as charms, acrylic standees, and stickers!Q: Will contributors be allowed to share and/or independently sell their entries to the zine?
A: Contributors will be allowed to retain rights to their work! A month after all orders have been sent out, contributors can post their works online, and can sell their art any way they normally would. But until that time, we would like to keep all work in the zine a secret, and only cropped previews of their work will be allowed to be posted!Q: Will contributors receive a free copy of the zine?
A: All contributors will receive a free PDF, and have the opportunity to buy the zine at production cost. Since this zine will be for charity, we want to maximize our profit, and production costs will eat into that.Q: How will the physical zine and merch be printed?
A: We will be utilizing third-party services to fulfill physical orders. Printing services for the zine itself is still under review, but merch such as charms, buttons, stickers, etc, will be fulfilled through Vograce.Q: How will the zine be sold?
A: We haven't decided a website yet, but it is looking likely that it will be listed on either Bigcartel or Gumroad. The zine will only be available for preorder, to ensure we have enough funds to cover production costs.
Application Rules + Guidelines
Rules for Contributing:
-All applicants must be 15 years of age or older.
-All entries must be original works created for the zine; no reusing old pieces, and ESPECIALLY no using art made by anyone but yourself!
-All entries must be SFW, and focus (exclusively if possible) 0n Barok, Kazuma, and Ryunosuke. Other characters will be allowed, provided they take a backseat to our boys.
-We would prefer merch items to feature all three characters, though page art and fic do not have to.
-Examples of your work used in the application may be from any fandom (or original work) and may be NSFW, but we would also like to see some SFW work, and if possible, works of the characters in question, but that is not essential.
-All applicants must have a social media account (Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram) to give to us, but if you do not wish to be credited in the zine by that account, you can just let us know!
-All applications are treated as serious inquiries, and if you are chosen to participate in the zine, you will be given a two-day window upon receiving your confirmation email to back out. Please make sure that you will be able to finish your piece(s) within the work time alotted in the production schedule, or can communicate clearly about needing more time to work.
Application Guidelines for Page, Cover, and Merch Artists:
-4-6 examples of your art AND/OR a link to a portfolio or art-only social media account. Fandom and character do not matter for this, it's just a gauge of your art style!
-OPTIONAL: Examples of how you draw Barok, Kazuma, and/or Ryunosuke would be appreciated!
-A description of some ideas you have for the type of art you would like to make.
Application Guidelines for Fanfic Writers:
-A 500 to 1,000 word snippet of your writing. This can be part of something you've written in the past, or something you're writing fresh for this application. Fandom and character do not matter for this, it's just a gauge of your writing style!
-OPTIONAL: An additional link to an AO3 or other writing account.
-OPTIONAL: Examples of how you write Barok, Kazuma, and/or Ryunosuke would be appreciated!
-A description of some ideas you have for the fic you would like to write.
An idea (or more) that you listed in the application form will be chosen when you are accepted! It's preferred that you stick with this idea, as we choose them based on what will provide the most balance between all the pieces chosen.
Production Schedule
**These are only rough estimates and are subject to change as the project progresses.
-Interest Check: 6/25/22 - 7/31/22-Contributor Applications: 8/1/22 - 9/14/22-Application Review and Selection: 9/14/22 - 10/6/22-Work Time: 10/6/22 - 3/31/23-Preorders open around mid-late April!-As soon as preorders close, the fulfillment and shipping process will begin. It's impossible to know how long that will take at this time, as it's highly dependent on the printing companies' turnaround time. An estimated time will be updated when we get preliminary proofs of the zine and physical merch, hopefully during the preorder stage. We will ship physical orders out as soon as possible, and digital orders will be sent out immediately since we don't need to rely on a printing company for those!-Leftover sales, if there are any, will happen immediately after all preorders have been shipped, and last until stock runs out.-The profit will be donated after all sales have ended, and then the zine project will be concluded!
Available Purchase Tiers
**These tiers are subject to change in the future, and are currently a rough outline of what we will be offering when the zine goes on preorder.
Amateur Attorney Tier // $10
Zine PDF + All Digital Merch
Reaper of the Bailey Tier // Price TBD
Zine PDF + Physical Zine + All Digital Merch
Revived Prosecutor Tier // Price TBD
All Physical Merch + All Digital Merch
Reforged Spirit Tier // Price TBD
Zine PDF + Physical Zine + All Phyiscal Merch + All Digital Merch